Configuring code igniter with eclipse

1. Download code igniter.
2. Make two copies.
3. Rename the one of the folders as codebase.
4. Create a new eclipse project with existing files as codebase.
5. Copy the below code :

  * @var CI_Config
 var $config;
  * @var CI_DB_active_record
 var $db;
  * @var CI_Email
 var $email;
  * @var CI_Form_validation
 var $form_validation;
  * @var CI_Input
 var $input;
  * @var CI_Loader
 var $load;
  * @var CI_Router
 var $router;
  * @var CI_Session
 var $session;
  * @var CI_Table
 var $table;
  * @var CI_Unit_test
 var $unit;
  * @var CI_URI
 var $uri;
  * @var CI_Pagination
 var $pagination;
6. Paste it in these files in the codebase project.
  • /system/core/controller.php
  • /system/core/model.php

7. You need to paste it right after the class names. e.g.
class CI_Controller {
class CI_Model {
8. Now goto the second project and include the codebase project in the include path.
9. code complete should work now.
For posterity, I wanted to save this on my blog. Basically this is the link I got this from:

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