cardinal rule of setting the .htaccess

my sample url => http://localhost/emp/api/v1/hello.json
folder(emp) -> folder(api) -> folder(v1) -> method(hello.json)
.htaccess file is placed in the folder V1
# Turn on the rewrite engine
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
# Request routing
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_-]*)\.(html|json|xml)?$ index.php?method=$1&format=$2 [nc,qsa]
goto your httpd.conf file in your apache server :
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be “All”, “None”, or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride All #change from None
Index.php – place this inside the v1 folder :
[code language=”php”]
API Demo
This script provides a RESTful API interface for a web application
$_GET[‘format’] = [ json | html | xml ]
$_GET[‘method’] = []
Output: A formatted HTTP response
Author: Mark Roland
11/13/2012 – Created
// — Step 1: Initialize variables and functions
* Deliver HTTP Response
* @param string $format The desired HTTP response content type: [json, html, xml]
* @param string $api_response The desired HTTP response data
* @return void
function deliver_response($format, $api_response){
// Define HTTP responses
$http_response_code = array(
200 => ‘OK’,
400 => ‘Bad Request’,
401 => ‘Unauthorized’,
403 => ‘Forbidden’,
404 => ‘Not Found’
// Set HTTP Response
header(‘HTTP/1.1 ‘.$api_response[‘status’].’ ‘.$http_response_code[ $api_response[‘status’] ]);
// Process different content types
if( strcasecmp($format,’json’) == 0 ){
// Set HTTP Response Content Type
header(‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8′);
// Format data into a JSON response
$json_response = json_encode($api_response);
// Deliver formatted data
echo $json_response;
}elseif( strcasecmp($format,’xml’) == 0 ){
// Set HTTP Response Content Type
header(‘Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8’);
// Format data into an XML response (This is only good at handling string data, not arrays)
$xml_response = ‘<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>’."\n".
// Deliver formatted data
echo $xml_response;
// Set HTTP Response Content Type (This is only good at handling string data, not arrays)
header(‘Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8’);
// Deliver formatted data
echo $api_response[‘data’];
// End script process
// Define whether an HTTPS connection is required
$HTTPS_required = FALSE;
// Define whether user authentication is required
$authentication_required = FALSE;
// Define API response codes and their related HTTP response
$api_response_code = array(
0 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 400, ‘Message’ => ‘Unknown Error’),
1 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 200, ‘Message’ => ‘Success’),
2 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 403, ‘Message’ => ‘HTTPS Required’),
3 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 401, ‘Message’ => ‘Authentication Required’),
4 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 401, ‘Message’ => ‘Authentication Failed’),
5 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 404, ‘Message’ => ‘Invalid Request’),
6 => array(‘HTTP Response’ => 400, ‘Message’ => ‘Invalid Response Format’)
// Set default HTTP response of ‘ok’
$response[‘code’] = 0;
$response[‘status’] = 404;
$response[‘data’] = NULL;
// — Step 2: Authorization
// Optionally require connections to be made via HTTPS
if( $HTTPS_required && $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] != ‘on’ ){
$response[‘code’] = 2;
$response[‘status’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘HTTP Response’];
$response[‘data’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘Message’];
// Return Response to browser. This will exit the script.
deliver_response($_GET[‘format’], $response);
// Optionally require user authentication
if( $authentication_required ){
if( empty($_POST[‘username’]) || empty($_POST[‘password’]) ){
$response[‘code’] = 3;
$response[‘status’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘HTTP Response’];
$response[‘data’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘Message’];
// Return Response to browser
deliver_response($_GET[‘format’], $response);
// Return an error response if user fails authentication. This is a very simplistic example
// that should be modified for security in a production environment
elseif( $_POST[‘username’] != ‘foo’ && $_POST[‘password’] != ‘bar’ ){
$response[‘code’] = 4;
$response[‘status’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘HTTP Response’];
$response[‘data’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘Message’];
// Return Response to browser
deliver_response($_GET[‘format’], $response);
// — Step 3: Process Request
// Method A: Say Hello to the API
if( strcasecmp($_GET[‘method’],’hello’) == 0){
$response[‘code’] = 1;
$response[‘status’] = $api_response_code[ $response[‘code’] ][‘HTTP Response’];
$response[‘data’] = ‘Hello World’;
// — Step 4: Deliver Response
// Return Response to browser
deliver_response($_GET[‘format’], $response);


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