January 7, 2012
Python/MySQL: Inserting date into table using a variable table name
December 14, 2011
eclipse pydev error – not finding
December 7, 2011
spaceclaimer – python based app to delete files which you download repeatedly
May 3, 2010
Python: extract all hyperlinks from a webpage
May 1, 2010
Python: HarvestMan
April 23, 2010
How to strip mulitple and variable spaces in python
April 19, 2010
raw extraction of data from google blogger to wordpress
April 18, 2010
Python replace carriage return and tab in a string
April 4, 2010
Facebook app development
March 31, 2010
Python: handling a timeout error / socket excpetion using try catch statement
December 1, 2009
Python: Creating a DocTest / simple example
July 21, 2009
MySQLDB: Python: Inserting date, integer, float and other variables into MySQL
July 16, 2009
MySQLDb inserting data into a MySQL table with variables
July 15, 2009
Logic errors when searching for a repeated element in a loop
July 13, 2009
mysql error 11001 in mysqldb
July 2, 2009
funny thing about float in python
June 17, 2009
Python: Reading XML data using DOM parser
June 17, 2009
Python: Classes
June 17, 2009
Python: usage of self and __init__
June 17, 2009
Python: Configuring paramiko on windows
June 17, 2009
Python: Using Inno setup and py2exe to create a executable for easygui and python programs.
June 17, 2009
Python: Creating a setup.exe and .exe for a python easyGUI project
June 17, 2009
Python: Quick recipe for reading a rar file
June 17, 2009
Python: common mistake while searching for a keyword in a set of files
June 3, 2009
Python: encode / decode problems
May 5, 2009
How I downloaded my blogs into my hard disk using python.
January 3, 2009
using feedparser to read atom/rss feeds in python
August 1, 2008
Python script to download pictures/Jpegs/jpgs from a website