Match empty parenthesis pair, such as () or ( ), you use the pattern ‘%(%s*%)’
‘[0-9]’ is simpler when written as ‘%d’, ‘[0-9a-fA-F]’ is the same as ‘%x’
. all characters
%a letters
%c control characters
%d digits
%l lower case letters
%p punctuation characters
%s space characters
%u upper case letters
%w alphanumeric characters
%x hexadecimal digits
%z the character with representation 0
‘[^n]’ matches any character different from newline.
`^´: ‘[^0-7]’ finds any character that is not an octal digit
+ 1 or more repetitions
* 0 or more repetitions
– also 0 or more repetitions
? optional (0 or 1 occurrence)
ex: tmpString = extract this
print(string.tmpString(tmpString, (.-))
output : extract this
The character `%´ works as an escape for those magic characters. So, ‘%.’ matches a dot; ‘%%’ matches the character `%´ itself. You can use the escape `%´ not only for the magic characters, but also for all other non-alphanumeric characters. When in doubt, play safe and put an escape.
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