March 3, 2011
To use networking features in vmware virtual machine
March 3, 2011
Enabling advanced X features (e.g., guest resolution fit, drag and drop, and file and text copy/paste) in linux VMWare virtual machine
February 25, 2011
Writing a callback function in linux and max using pthreads
February 15, 2011
backing up wordpress and importing database
February 14, 2011
Writing a callback [call back] function in C++/VC++ using windows API
January 20, 2011
Using DebugBreak()
January 13, 2011
Install Multiple Agents on the Same Machine
January 6, 2011
Compiler Error C2733 – second C linkage of overloaded function 'function' not allowed
December 30, 2010
Using extern in C++
December 6, 2010
how to set an application icon on nokia phones for qt / symbian
November 30, 2010
Generating Graphical hierarchy of classes using doxygen and graphviz
November 22, 2010
Virtual Store and UAC
November 14, 2010
Segmenation fault/Process crashing in QT Creator
November 14, 2010
debug moc_mainwindow.cpp error 1
October 30, 2010
Installing / Activating J2ME on netbeans 9.x
October 14, 2010
Installing BITS [ Background Intelligent Transfer Service ] on windows 2003
October 9, 2010
Difference between BOOL and BOOLEAN in VC++
October 8, 2010
Wonderful explaination to Unicode
September 27, 2010
Check if a dll is loaded in the process space or not
September 27, 2010
how you minimize errors when searching for a string?
September 27, 2010
Unable to find .jar
September 1, 2010
Adding a horizontal scrollbar to CListBox in windows
August 25, 2010
Step by step instructions on signing your android app [.apk] to get google maps api key
August 23, 2010
ERROR collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
August 23, 2010
setting up symbian s60 on windows pc – part 1
August 23, 2010
Titbits on security and string manipulation in c++
August 20, 2010
Retrive the class names of all windows[MSDN]
August 17, 2010
Installing AVIRA Antivirus Personal/Professional On Linux [Ubuntu]
August 17, 2010
error: ‘fflush’ was not declared in this scope [Ubuntu 9.10]
August 17, 2010
error: ‘uintptr_t’ was not declared in this scope [Ubuntu 9.10]
August 13, 2010
SubVersion error: 1053: not able to create a service
August 8, 2010
Making a .sis file for Nokia [download makesis and Comdlg32.ocx]
August 5, 2010
Using Qtimer instead of Sleep
July 26, 2010
Implementing simple multithreading in C++
July 19, 2010
Windows developer tools you need to have
July 16, 2010
Tip 1: Optimize code to run faster
July 13, 2010
ACL: Denying read access to a file in VC++
June 3, 2010
LUA : Method to split a string and output it into a array
May 28, 2010
Displaying a background image in Android
May 27, 2010
Using CListBox in windows especially in pop up windows
May 27, 2010
error C2065: 'CArray' : undeclared identifier in visual studio
May 19, 2010
Detecting memory leaks in VC++
May 17, 2010
How to create a file in windows using VC++ and HIDE IT
May 11, 2010
SVN: cheatsheets
May 10, 2010
creating a new registry key in windows using VC++
May 9, 2010
Tree – Insert an element into a tree in c++
May 9, 2010
[Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16'
May 3, 2010
Developing a Nokia APP using OVIAPPWizard
May 3, 2010
Python: extract all hyperlinks from a webpage
May 1, 2010
Python: HarvestMan