setting up xcode for virtual box development – part 1

build environment
mac os 10.7
xcode 4.1
check out your virtualbox code.
In this part, i am basically going to show how to set up your xcode as a build system for building virtualbox code.
a. add a new project with the option external build system.
b. once this is created import the source code, this will take a lot of time.
c. add a target to this project
d. in the target,
in the build environment type ./configure
arguments : –disable-hardening –libIdl-config=/opt/local/include/libIDL-2.0
directory: specify the directory where your source code is stored.
e. compile this. This is just the first
Similarly you can combine the remaining steps in a shell script and then execute.
If you have done something similar, you can mail me, might we can come up with something awesome.


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