Using visual studio code to compile and run projects on Xcode/Simulator directly

You can use the below command line to run your project directly from Visual Studio Code

xcodebuild -scheme pom -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 mini,OS=16.0' && xcrun simctl install booted /Users/dk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/pom-giguhgtpjuelvmdmgdxggjfgevzr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ && xcrun simctl launch booted redflowerinc.pom && open -a Simulator

Sure, let’s break down the command line into its individual parts and explain each one:

xcodebuild -scheme pom -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 mini,OS=16.0'

This command is used to build the pom scheme of your Xcode project for a specific destination. The destination in this case is an iOS Simulator running iOS 16.0 on an iPhone 12 mini. xcodebuild is a command-line tool provided by Xcode that lets you perform build actions on your projects or workspaces.

xcrun simctl install booted /Users/dk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/pom-giguhgtpjuelvmdmgdxggjfgevzr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/

This command is used to install the built app onto the currently booted (running) simulator. xcrun is a command-line tool provided by Xcode that lets you run or locate development tools, and simctl is a command-line utility that controls iOS Simulator instances.

The path provided is the location of the built .app file. xcrun simctl launch booted redflowerinc.pom This command is used to launch the installed app on the currently booted simulator. redflowerinc.pom is the bundle identifier of the app.

open -a Simulator

This command is used to open the iOS Simulator application. The -a option is used to specify the application to open. The && between each command is a bash operator that runs the next command only if the previous command succeeded. This ensures that if any step in the process fails, the subsequent steps will not be executed, which can help prevent further errors or complications.


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