August 24, 2015
Minor things to note when adding an image to a button
June 21, 2015
SSH Authentication Refused: Bad Ownership or Modes for Directory
June 9, 2015
Testing guidelines
May 28, 2015
Testing page performance
May 19, 2015
Using dispatch queues and avoiding locks/synchronize
May 17, 2015
Playing around with blocks in Objective C
May 16, 2015
Autorelease pools can help save memory
May 3, 2015
Creating a iOS type date picker with custom text in it.
May 3, 2015
Bounds VS Frame
May 3, 2015
UIKit Dynamics sample implementations
March 20, 2015
Print level order tree in Objective C (with the help of queues)
March 9, 2015
Better way to check for null to avoid crashes
March 9, 2015
Why you should be using UIAppearance class in your code
February 28, 2015
Recursively printing out all subviews within a view
February 28, 2015
Wheel based dynamic filters
February 22, 2015
Custom alert view for iOS
February 21, 2015
Logger – logs your driving when you move around
February 7, 2015
Helpful tip for performance optimization
February 4, 2015
Read contacts from facebook and address book in iOS [ ready to go project]
December 8, 2014
Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)
September 16, 2014
Using Sprites
May 20, 2014
enumerating NSArray, Whats the problem ??
May 12, 2014
Create a timer using Web Workers/Javascript
April 29, 2014
Dynamically creating checkboxes through JQuery and associating an action to it
April 1, 2014
cardinal rule of setting the .htaccess
March 13, 2014
Emulator included in the latest release of chrome
December 1, 2013
Absolute positioning, better use it correctly or else
November 22, 2013
Using blocks instead of delegates in Objective C
November 13, 2013
MySql [ subqueries and joins ]
November 11, 2013
Bad code on optionshouse iphone app
September 28, 2013
Clean way to crop images in iphone developed by me.
September 26, 2013
Search a number in a rotated sorted array
September 12, 2013
Life hacks..really useful ones
September 5, 2013
Writing an email template ( its a pain in the *** )
August 26, 2013
Runtime comparisons removing duplicates from a linked list using java.
August 24, 2013
Fibonacci sequence generator in Java, time comparisons using different approaches
August 20, 2013
Cheatsheet for CSS3
August 15, 2013
Configuring code igniter with eclipse
July 15, 2013
Implementing a dropdown in iOS.
July 15, 2013
Could not find a storyboard named ‘Main’ in bundle NSBundle
July 12, 2013
Integrating the mac console to your remote machine
June 21, 2013
Adding a upload indicator similar to flickr and instagram
May 22, 2013
KVO pattern in iOS
May 22, 2013
Adding a navigation controller in Tab bar controller
May 8, 2013
How to send your app logs from your iPhone, when a developer asks you to send ?
April 23, 2013
Implementing the delete button on a UIView similar to UITableView controller delete
April 17, 2013
Deletion and Insertion into a Binary Search Tree using Objective C
April 12, 2013
Developing for both iPhone and iPad, helpful tips
April 3, 2013
Using IDs in Facebook ( unsigned long long ) (objective c)
March 12, 2013
Incase you are wondering why the buttons are not showing up on a navigation bar